Happy July 4th!! I hope you are all doing supercalifragilisticexpialidoc iously today.
week was crazy crazy crazy! We decided to work through our last P-day
to keep up with all our people, and it was definitely a mistake. God
gives us a day of rest for a reason. We were dead by the end of this
But despite the tiredness, we are seeing so many amazing miracles!! Ilma, Vanessa, and Yasmin should be getting baptized this coming Sunday if all goes as planned! I think it´s so beauitful that it´s going to be three generations getting baptized together :)
this week, I received some of the greatest news I have ever heard.
Remember Francis, Nicolas, and Gabriel from Cidade Lider. Nicolas has
decided to serve a mission!!! I am so incredibly happy for him. I´m so
proud of that family. They are truly an amazing family and I am so
honored to be a part of their lives. This is true joy.
are working hard to organize a Temple trip for all of the recent
converts in our ward, so that should be a really neat experience. I know
my family and home ward are super focused on the Philadelphia Temple
right now, so it´s cool that we all have the same goals. The Temple is
truly the House of The Lord. I´m so excited to have His House in my
I hope you are all doing well and feeling God´s love in your lives!
All my love,
Sister Doyle