Saturday, August 15, 2015

Got My Reassignment!!!


Hello hello :)

So it has been a very anxious couple of days, but I FINALLY got my reassignment tonight!!
My district was super awesome, and the Elders made like an official envelope and put my reassignment in it and we had a mission call opening party :) Sister Moss took some pictures...

I've been reassigned to labor in the....


Crazy, right? I kind of forgot that Nevada even existed until about 5 minutes ago...

But yeah! It feels right! I'm just so happy to know where I'm going. We had in-field orientation all day today and it was way tough having no idea where I would even be going. But now I know! I can't believe that I'll be in the field in less than a week!

I love you guys and thank you so much for all your support and encouragement. It's tough to be reassigned without my district, but I'm just trying to remain super positive and faithful and hopeful. 

I love you, don't forget your prayers!!
Sister Doyle

Hello everyone!

I don't even know where to begin with this week....

The biggest event was probably my reassignment! I received my reassignment on Thursday and I am going to be serving in the Reno Nevada mission until my visa comes! Not what I expected my mission to be like, but I know that the Lord has very specific plans for each of His children and this reassignment is just part of His plan for me! I was excited to learn that Elder Ramsden, from my home stake, has also been reassigned to serve there. 

We leave the MTC tomorrow at 6am!! I can't believe that my time here has come to an end. I have truly loved the MTC and my district and teachers have been a family away from family :)

Crazy experience of the week: I was having a terrible day and I was really struggling with the language and with my purpose as a missionary. And THEN, on my way home from gym time by the Temple, I saw none other than Mitchell Hussey, stopped at the crosswalk on his way to pick up Adam from work!! We waved, and it was a great reminder that I have support :) God was definitely behind that.

On Sunday night, my district and I (as well as a couple hundred other people) had the awesome opportunity to perform as the backup gospel choir to a group called "Nashville Tribute Band" (they're the ones who did the Joseph CD we listen to during car trips). It was an awesome experience and it was something much different than anything the MTC has ever done before. The choir normally performs hymns, but they got special permission to do some crazy gospel stuff. It was so hard to resist the urge to dance and clap!! Way awesome experience. 

Another awesome part of the MTC has been the ability to watch past devotionals every Sunday night. They show videos of times when apostles came to speak and they are much different than conference talks, because the apostles can be super laid back and funny. I have loved coming closer to the apostles and leaders of this church through those devotionals. Not to mention their amazing messages.

Saturday was our last day with our teachers, so they showed us the pictures from their missions and we got to read parts of Irma Read's journal. It was a super cool experience and it got us all pumped for our missions. I can't wait to share the Gospel!!

In other news, there's a cold going around our zone, and I was feeling under the weather, so I took a bunch of Dayquil yesterday...I felt like I was floating all day and I fell asleep multiple times. It was crazy.

Every week, everyone in our zone has to prepare a sacrament talk in Portuguese and then at the beginning of sacrament meeting, the bishop announces who will be speaking that day. As we sat down 15 minuted before sacrament meeting, I looked over my notes, and I realized that I had written my talk in English!! I scrambled to translate a few main points in Portuguese before the meeting started. The bishop got up and announced that I would be speaking!! So I said a silent prayer, got up in front of my ward, and slowly gave a talk on Faith. It was basic and my Portuguese was far from perfect, but the spirit was there. God is good. :)

This morning, I had to wave goodbye to my whole district as they left on their bus to the airport. That was super hard. They are going to be amazing missionaries and I have been so blessed to know all of them. 

The rest of the day has been pretty interesting. It has included getting a new temporary companion who does't speak much English, helping her move into my room, cleaning her old room, getting locked out of my room, missing breakfast, having 6 hours of one-on-one Portuguese lessons from my teachers (beneficial, but very mentally exhausting), and all while running on 4 hours of sleep! God is good and He has definitely supported me today. Getting to spend some extra time with my teachers and helping another sister out has been a great experience.

I can't believe that I enter the field tomorrow!! I will let you all know how it goes :)

Don't forget your prayers!

All my love, 
Sister Doyle